Skin Irregularities & Imperfections

Skin Irregularities & Imperfections

SIIT Pro Treatment

Glow 30 | $150 /session
(30-minute session)

Glow 60 | $300 /session
(60-minute session)

Small Spot or Test Spot (2-3mm) | $25 /each

You may need approval from your dermatologist before any procedure. Contact me for more details about how this treatment can help you.

What is the SIIT Pro?

The SIIT Pro is a Class I High Frequency device designed to treat unwanted imperfections in seconds with no downtime and minimal discomfort.

The SIIT Pro Device successfully treats:

  • Cherry Angiomas
  • Solar Lentigines
  • Sebaceous Hyperplasia
  • Seborrheic Keratosis
  • Skintags
  • Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
  • Minor Broken Capillaries

These minor, but self-esteem depreciating skin conditions, improve the appearance of skin in as little as one SIIT Pro Treatment. Individual results vary depending on the skin condition, age of client and health. Most clients see a significant improvement in as little as five days when treating the very common dermatosis papulosa nigra. This treatment is safe for Fitzpatrick 4-6, through direct high frequency energy, the imperfection will dry out and shed from the skin in an average of 5-7 days. Use of a Tyrosinase inhibitor may be recommended for darker skin types as a safety precaution for pigmentation concerns prior to any treatment.

*New client consultations are always necessary.

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